Artful Arrangements

Still Life paintings go beyond pictures of fruit and flowers.

These works celebrate the beauty and joy of ordinary objects— common, passing elements like fresh-picked cherries, early blooming anemones and fragrant Eucalyptus leaves. These transient items need no longer remain temporary pleasures.

Still Life paintings also allow the artist to both present and preserve treasured belongings—items that have stories to tell and memories to share, such as the Balinese scarf given to her by her son, hand-made Austrian lace she bought on a European trip with her husband, her collection of Celadon bowls, a Chinese vase bought at an auction, an Art-Deco vase found in a thrift shop, or a prized red lacquer box. Still Lifes allow the artist to bring together related or disparate objects, temporary or timeless items for artful arrangements and lasting enjoyment.

The beauty of art is that the viewer also brings his/her own stories and experiences to the paintings, allowing them to take on a new life, beyond the items or the artist.


The Art and Writing of Barbara Rizza Mellin